Friday, November 6, 2009

Pityriasis Rosea Liver Damage What Is Pityriasis Rosea?

What is Pityriasis Rosea? - pityriasis rosea liver damage

Any relationship between pityriasis rosea with other diseases such as HIV or hepatitis virus type B, etc.?


nuttin'f... said...

PR is great, usually pink scaly patches on the chest or back. The cause is unknown and no treatment is necessary unless severe itching. Usually last a few weeks to several months of May, but it disappear.

Fizzle said...

Pityriasis rosea is a rash that can vary in severity. I had a case of Benin for 20 years and all that was then known, that it was apparently contagious, which could be caused by a virus. It is more common in women. It even seems to be connected, and not to any other disease. The suppression of the immune system can influence how it progresses, though, if it is viral.

Fizzle said...

Pityriasis rosea is a rash that can vary in severity. I had a case of Benin for 20 years and all that was then known, that it was apparently contagious, which could be caused by a virus. It is more common in women. It even seems to be connected, and not to any other disease. The suppression of the immune system can influence how it progresses, though, if it is viral.

joye6877 said...

Pityriasis rosea is a skin problem that has no known cause. It is a red rash, which may in a large circular pattern no itching or pain. Once again, you never go in May. I had years ago and there was no problem with him.
I suggest you Google for information in depth.

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